Major cities only

Among the 100 largest cities in North America

Flexibility, transparency & the ability to choose

Minimum investment amount of 100,000 shekels

Exceptional Partners

Exceptional Returns

Over 18 Years of Excellence

The equity, expertise and experience behind more then 230 real estate developments.

over 70,000
units, over 230 projects

*represent the all companies

With Keren 35 Ltd. you are investing alongside a team of investors to own a beneficial ownership interest in the land or an asset, you are able to directly benefit from the exceptional.  Every investor is treated equally, and all members receive the exact same return, regardless of the investment amount big or small. 

Investments opportunities are made by purchasing units in a Limited Partnership structure which then acquires and maintains beneficial ownership interest in the real property.  There is a minimum investment amount of 100,000 Shekels ($40,000 CAD/ USD) per offering.  All investments are made on a per-project basis, and every investor can participate in as many projects as they would like. 



Tony Reale

Head of Real Estate – Bank of Montreal.



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